Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Welcome June

Well, well, well looky here. It's June 3rd already. I am pretty stupid because since the last time i talked it was so long ago and seriously so much happens everyday. Okay, well lets go through what happened since then...

Alright well I better start with me and Kims Penn state experience. It was the most fun and most horrible trip ever. I will go through as much as I remember.

Sunday May 17th-
We had to show up at the highschool at 9 A.M. During the long car ride there was seven kids on the van. There was Mr. Donahue, Kim, Me, Christian F, Danny P., Tyler M.,and Adam D. Christian obnoxiously put " I'm on a boat" song on. It's really a bad song lol. Okay, so we go there and parked, went out for lunch at The Diner, walked around campus, checked in with Edith Maute, got all of our crap out of the van and went to our dorms. Our dorms were pretty nasty and small. I always kinda thought they were nicer then that. I mean seriously there was only two bathrooms in the bathroom and only two showers. It was pretty weird because we didn't have a girl dorm advisor kind of person and the guys cannot even step into the girls dorms. If they did they would be told to leave. Kim and I were in the Braumbaugh dorms. So after we got settled in, we roamed campus. Then Christian H. .and Mr. Hauze came. Then we went to the cafeteria for dinner. I think I had some kind of chicken. Then we had ice cream for desert. I mean like Penn State is known for their ice cream. Oh my God. It's so gooooood. After that me, tyler, christian h, and Mr. Hauze went to a manditory technician meeting. It was pretty boring and I did not feel good. It was so hot in the room I had to actually go in the bathroom and just cool down. Then after that we went to the Nateitoruim (SP?) to go swimming. It was just me and Kim though. There was like 3 pools and each of them were filled with many many teenagers. Then we went to bed around 11 that night.

Monday May 18th-
Presentation Day. We got up at 6:45 A.M. Then we had to give Donahue a wake up call. Weird. He doesn't actually have a cellphone and that's the funny part. He had to borrow his wife, Julie's parents cell phone. I think presenations were at 8 or 9 but I'm pretty sure it was 8. I was a technician and I hold up a sign that says either 5 minutes to go, 2 minutes to go, or stop and conclude. The people presenting have 10 minutes total to present. If they go over that limit, they are automatically disqualified. There were 8 people in my room but nobody went over the limit. It took me about 2 hours to finish. Then I got my judges signatures that were in my room and tried to walk back to the dorms with christian h. It was hard to get back because it's just soo big there. I got back and went up the 8th floor at Braumbaugh. I didn't think that Kim would be done yet, but she was and she scared me lol. Then we got changed out of dress clothes, and met donahue at Geary. (The boy's dorm) We went into town and went shopping and toured the whole campus and i mean the whole campus. We got little Nate a hat, Julie a shirt, and Ashley a onesie for donahue's kids. Kim got sweat pants. I didn't get anything because I really did not have much money with me lol. Then we got back and went to the award ceremony. Everybody got 1st place who presented except Adam. Christian F got a perfect score. Then we got pizza delivered and got the yankees on the tv at the commons area. Then we went to another 1st place ceremony at 8. Danny got a 8,000 scholarship. Then we got changed and went to the IM building to shoot hoops, walk the inside track, and do other stuff. There was a dance there for us, but dances are for loserrsss. Then we went back and watched the end of the Yankees game. Then we went to bed.

Tuesday May 19th-
While our 8th grade trip to an iron pigs game, me and Kim were still stuck at Penn State. We left like 9 and we got home around 1. We stopped at Wendy's in hazelton. It was so funnnn and it would be awesome if we could go again.

May 29th
Semi formal-
Semi was the most amazing dance ever. It was awesome because we were all having a good time and we were dressed up. I mean even if we happened to not like each other we still had a really good time. Benny and I slow danced and we're friends. Then everybody was like, "you should go back out. "Blah blah blah. I don't know what happened but then benny was just not around and looked sad. people said it was because i refused to go back out with him because well he had his chance. even though it was 2 year ago when we were young and stupid it doesnt matter to me. but then before he left he said, "im sorry. i should have danced with you more because i wanted to but now i have to go." but all around it was great. when party boy went on everybody got in this like small circle and got close to each other it was so funny because it was all spread out till that song. i got chocolate on my dress and miss siewell helped me get it off :) that was so nice of her. then kim got iced tea on her dress. but it came out as well. we had a chocholate fountain and yes A CREEKER FOUNTAIN. hahaha i dont like iced tea but i have to say that was beastly.

May 31st
Kenny, Judy, Mom, Dad, Jayne, Dennis, Pappy, Annette, and Kim all came to my confimation. It was a nice service and i only had to remember one thing, but not really because once one person said it, it was easy because we all had to say the same thing.