Wednesday, May 13, 2009

my day

Hello Blog
i will go through my dad:]

1st period-technology
today i did not have technology because ms. schafer wanted to have extra chorus practice. so all 7th and 8th grade chorus members went to her class for the period. so we practiced and thats about it.

2nd period- math
well, i said it yesterday and i will say it again. this math lesson is so hard and i dont know why we really didnt learn anything new. again, like i said yesterday, i get the first part but then when we graph it, i suckkk. i really dont know why because we graphed for the past month with this stuff and graphed simple stuff for years. but i got like every graph wrong on my homeowork. then we have a test tomorrow and oh that is not going to be a pretty grade. then i left a 9:45 to go to clarinet.

3rd period- reading
we went down to the computer lab again to do an assignment with the Messenger. It was so stupid. i sware our teachers come up with the most stupid things for us to do.

4th period- computers
we did another exel assignment. i think excel is pretty easy but i dont like to do it. the only class we do excel is in science when we do labs.

5th period- social studies
first we had to go down to the stage side of the gym because ... we got a free book! yayyyy. lol and then we went back to class and took a test and even though i mixed up a few, a got one hundred. i really dont know why i do so well in this class?

6th period- lunch
we were going to go to eat in donahues today because kim needs to practice for PJAS. she was breaking out again so she went to the doctors and we went to lunch like normal.

7th period- science
we had to do a webquest and it was pretty much boring, otherwise without kim.

8th period- english
well all we had to do was do all four vocab book pages. we had a substitue and shes a little weird... but what subs arent? so she was talking and when she turned her back on josh t. he gave her the finger. the stupid kid that he is... he didnt realize that mrs herman saw this. she called the office and omg mr mc. came storming up in the room and he was screaming so loud it was hard to tell like what he was saying. it was scary, man.

well tomorrow the block party starts. i am not going tomorrow but me kim and emily are going friday. then after that kim is sleeping over haileys because her mother has to fix kims dress. so i think i am going to emilys camper with her for the night. i hope so. i will have to ask my mom . but we wouldnt be able to stay up late because well i have penn state on sunday and i really dont want to be tired for penn state lol. i am going to go now because i am watching the yankeses and surprise surprise they are actually winning today. i have to look over my math and then i am going to read and text the hunnies.



wants to
yankees, read, text, bed

im outt