Thursday, July 9, 2009

punta cana continuation 4

so this was our last full day at punta cana

okay so this day we were at the beach till after lunch and then after that we were at the pool
we hung out with mark & family all day and took a lot of pictures.
this day was veryyy fun. it was one of the best. probably because me and kaley became good friends. this day we were jumping in of the pool nonstop and konnor was fooling cam with taking cameron's glasses. cameron kept saying "THE SKY IS FALLING" so we called him chicken little. then he made up a new name/word. the word is Tullywinkle. i have no idea how he came up with this but he did... and he called konnor this for some reason. everytime he would say it konnor would chase him and dunk cam. then even if me and kaley would call him that then konnor would dunk usss. we stayed at the pool a long time. my mom got like drunk a little bit this day ( of course she waits till the last day) she met a girl named Tanisha and she seemed really nice and she worked at Yankee Staduim. it was weird because they were leaving the next day too and it was weird how we didn't meet her before. after a while we were about to get out soon and then there was this chick at the pool bar( but she was inside the pool too) and she was so drunk she was like taking her shirt of and then she freaking threw upppp. it was disgustinggg. that's when i said IM OUT and i lefttt and went back and showered. i wore my black sun dress. we went to the Japenese resturaunt. they had a table with like a big grill in the middle of it. they cooked everything right innn front of you. it was the cooliest thing ever. then we were heading to the lobby when we saw mark & family. they were upsettt.. because there reservations got screwed up or something and they had to eat at the marketplace. but then me and kaley went to the disco since kids 18 and younger are allowed in till 11. we had to bring cam too. we walked in and these kids were sitting there and acting allll stupid. they were like HOLA HOLA COMO ESTAS? HOLA HOLA. we just walked right by and sat down for a few minutes. it was really stupid so we left. since there is two resorts in one there is two lobbies. the disco is on the tropical side and we usually go to the caribe side. the caribe lobby just has much more stuff. like the showww and live entertainment. but anyway this lobby was just dead and they are like exactly like and they had the big beds too. we sat in there for a while and just hung out. we decided to go watch the latin show so we went. we weren't exactly familar with this lobby and we took a wrong turn and we ran into those guys that we saw in the disco and they would not stop talking to us. they were all our age. it was weird because they were all from different places and they all just hung out... but then they wanted us to go back to the disco but we did not want to what so everrr. then cam went to the bathroom and left us alone with those freaks and we he came back we told them it was up to cam. cam said no and we got to leave. if cam wasnt with us we would be there for a very longgg time. me and kaley really thought we were going to end up back in that disco. but we got back to the caribe lobby and we said our goodbyes to mark, janie, kaley, and cam. then we went back to our rooms and went to sleep.

we got up early and got a bell boy to get our luggage to the lobby. we ate breakfast at marketplace and then we kinda just sat around up by the lobby. then we waited at the lobby for the turinter van to pick us up and when they did we got to the airport. at the airport they like strip searchhh your suitcases. we got past all the searching and then put our bags on the runway thingg. then we got searched.. then we went through other things and finallly after that we got to like the food court part. we ate at wendys and then we went to our terminal. we got on the plane and took off before you know if we were back in NY we claimed our luggage which took a little while and we called Jim to find us and we were on the way back to home. we got home a little after 8. then we found out that michael jackson had died. it was just so weirrd because of the show they had. then looky here we are at july 9th alreaddy.

on july 4th kim had a party. it was only me kim emily and dylan there for kim. then christian had a bunch of friends. first we made most of the upperclassmen play baseball with us then we played foootball. then we took a break and played football again and then played basketball. then we hung out at the park until like 9:30 and we went up to the house and we just hung out till the fireworks started and we watched them.