Monday, July 27, 2009


today it's nice outside

G made a card
johnny is asking for quarters
like that isn't out of the ordinary or anything?
johnnnn is in the pool right now and so he is swimming in the deep end and nobody else is in there so gabbby just went in
uhm there's this bitch asking us for 50 cents.
and i just had to give it to her
because she works here
uhmm we are renting a boat and we're going around 3
it's hot out and i want to go swimming with gabby and johnny so tilll next time (:

Thursday, July 23, 2009


yeah, so i am going to tanglwood/lake wallenpaupack tomorrow (:
it's going to be awesomeee (;
hopefully i can blog there? idk if i will get the time evryday weather permittting
but i guess tomorrow i'll wake up eat and also depending on the weather hit the road around 11? idkk we'lll seeeee
todayyy i had tennis camp inside we had to divide the gym because of volleyball camp was on the other side. it was raining. we played stupid like running games but i bettter get used to it if i am going to be on the tennis team. i should probably be going to bed soon? right now i am watching the yankeees. they are playing the A's. there was like a 2 hour rain delay and so it is 11:35 pm and it's only the bottom of the 5th inning. i will not stay up to see the whole thing. so there is this guy who supposedly drowned last saturday at lake walllyy but they still haven't found his body and it's almost 7 days laterrr. haha but uhm i am thinking that he faked his death because lake wally is big but still. i just hope that when we're down there by the lake there isnt like a floating body! ew. okay well that is all! :) bye

raiiiin today


wants to
read, watch yanks, bed

im outt

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

do do do

sooo today...
i woke up around 10 because my mom called and woke me up. i ate breakfast and then emptied the dishwasher. then later i got dressedd and then Pappy picked us up. i had to sit around at his house for a little until tennis camp started because konnor went to the dentist to get his chipped tooth fixed... again. then i went to tennis camp a little before 3. we learned how to serve today.
then i came home and ate dinnner. i got a shower and then talked to Colleen online a little bit figuring out who is all going out to Lake Wallenpaupackkk. then i got a shower and watched The Closer with the rents. so that is all for today :).

todayy was very hot and tomorrow is going to be hotterrr


wants to

im outt

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

AL wins for 13 years in a row

so today
i woke up at 6:45 AM and then i got ready and babysat the Shigo's til like 2:30. then there grandma came and i went to tennis camp. today we learn the backhand. it's sooo hard. but i think by the end of the week next week i'll bee goood.
i came home and ate dinner, then i got a shower. later after that i ordered a new baithing suite from ae. just because i love baithing suits! then i went to kim's house and watched the 2009 All Star Game. which matter-of-factly the American League won for their 13th year in a row. Derek Jeter and Mark Teixera started the game. Then Mariano Rivera closes the game :))! The game ended 4-3. Curtis Granderson hit a triple with one out and then Adam Jones hit a fly ball and Curtis tagged up at home. President Barack Obama threw out the first pitch to start the game which was pretty cool actuallly. Roy Halladay started for the al and Tim Lincucum (sp) started for the nl. tomorrow i'm not sure what i'm doing until 3 for tennis camp again <3.

i'm going to go sooon. byeee.

it was really nice out todayyy.

worn out

wants to
watch tv and finish my book

im outt

Monday, July 13, 2009

tennis camp.

so todayyy...

i woke up around 10.
i ate lunch around 12.
i got ready around 1.
i left with Konnor and Pappyaround 2:45.
i got to tennis camp around 3. :)

the people in my grade that went are emily j, ashley b, and Tai Xi.
so i hung out with them. we learned how to stand and move or feet and hold the racket correctly.
i got done around 6 so then me and konnor waited for my mom. we got home and ate pizza. i scrapbooked. i watched secret life, make it or break it, and some home run derby. now here i am.
tomorrow i have to babysittttt and then go to tennis camp. okay, i'm going to go.

the past few days it's getting nicer.


wants to

im outt

Sunday, July 12, 2009

new family?


okay so todayy!
yes finally after telling about punta cana i can finally talk about life now!
my mom woke me up at i think 10:30 am
but i was really tired because on friday july 10
i went camping at emilys with kim and hailey and we didnt go to sleep till like almost 4 and i was tired from that and the night before i stayed up fairly late too.
i kinda just fell back asleep for a litttle. then i noticed the time and got up and got ready. then we went to uncle kevins house. because on sat july 11 there was a family reunion for my dads moms side. me and my mom and konnor didn't go because it was catered so you had to pay to get in. me and my mom went to billy r's grad party anyway across the streeet on saturday while my dad was at the reunion.

so after i got ready we went to kevins and i met some family i never metttt. after a little bit there, we went to kennys house. we had wings, burgers, and hot dogs. later i went in the poool. then later some of my cousins went over my house to play pool. i'll name some of them that i remember. uhmm John Michael, kayla, rodger jr., casey, and another girl but i forget her name. they wanted me to play but i havent played in soooo long. so i told them nahhh. but they insistedd and i would not because i suck. but then later they had to go. we went over kennys and talked in the driveway for a little and then they all left. then we sat on kennys porch with kenny, judy, dad, konnor, donna. donna is from west virginia i thinkk? or around thereee. she is leaving sometime tomorrow.

john michael, and that family rented a house out towmensing (SP) trails and they are staying the week. we dont see them at all so i'm hoping maybe we could hang out again before they leaveee.

sucky it rained all summer


wants to
read and then sleep

im outt

Thursday, July 9, 2009

punta cana continuation 4

so this was our last full day at punta cana

okay so this day we were at the beach till after lunch and then after that we were at the pool
we hung out with mark & family all day and took a lot of pictures.
this day was veryyy fun. it was one of the best. probably because me and kaley became good friends. this day we were jumping in of the pool nonstop and konnor was fooling cam with taking cameron's glasses. cameron kept saying "THE SKY IS FALLING" so we called him chicken little. then he made up a new name/word. the word is Tullywinkle. i have no idea how he came up with this but he did... and he called konnor this for some reason. everytime he would say it konnor would chase him and dunk cam. then even if me and kaley would call him that then konnor would dunk usss. we stayed at the pool a long time. my mom got like drunk a little bit this day ( of course she waits till the last day) she met a girl named Tanisha and she seemed really nice and she worked at Yankee Staduim. it was weird because they were leaving the next day too and it was weird how we didn't meet her before. after a while we were about to get out soon and then there was this chick at the pool bar( but she was inside the pool too) and she was so drunk she was like taking her shirt of and then she freaking threw upppp. it was disgustinggg. that's when i said IM OUT and i lefttt and went back and showered. i wore my black sun dress. we went to the Japenese resturaunt. they had a table with like a big grill in the middle of it. they cooked everything right innn front of you. it was the cooliest thing ever. then we were heading to the lobby when we saw mark & family. they were upsettt.. because there reservations got screwed up or something and they had to eat at the marketplace. but then me and kaley went to the disco since kids 18 and younger are allowed in till 11. we had to bring cam too. we walked in and these kids were sitting there and acting allll stupid. they were like HOLA HOLA COMO ESTAS? HOLA HOLA. we just walked right by and sat down for a few minutes. it was really stupid so we left. since there is two resorts in one there is two lobbies. the disco is on the tropical side and we usually go to the caribe side. the caribe lobby just has much more stuff. like the showww and live entertainment. but anyway this lobby was just dead and they are like exactly like and they had the big beds too. we sat in there for a while and just hung out. we decided to go watch the latin show so we went. we weren't exactly familar with this lobby and we took a wrong turn and we ran into those guys that we saw in the disco and they would not stop talking to us. they were all our age. it was weird because they were all from different places and they all just hung out... but then they wanted us to go back to the disco but we did not want to what so everrr. then cam went to the bathroom and left us alone with those freaks and we he came back we told them it was up to cam. cam said no and we got to leave. if cam wasnt with us we would be there for a very longgg time. me and kaley really thought we were going to end up back in that disco. but we got back to the caribe lobby and we said our goodbyes to mark, janie, kaley, and cam. then we went back to our rooms and went to sleep.

we got up early and got a bell boy to get our luggage to the lobby. we ate breakfast at marketplace and then we kinda just sat around up by the lobby. then we waited at the lobby for the turinter van to pick us up and when they did we got to the airport. at the airport they like strip searchhh your suitcases. we got past all the searching and then put our bags on the runway thingg. then we got searched.. then we went through other things and finallly after that we got to like the food court part. we ate at wendys and then we went to our terminal. we got on the plane and took off before you know if we were back in NY we claimed our luggage which took a little while and we called Jim to find us and we were on the way back to home. we got home a little after 8. then we found out that michael jackson had died. it was just so weirrd because of the show they had. then looky here we are at july 9th alreaddy.

on july 4th kim had a party. it was only me kim emily and dylan there for kim. then christian had a bunch of friends. first we made most of the upperclassmen play baseball with us then we played foootball. then we took a break and played football again and then played basketball. then we hung out at the park until like 9:30 and we went up to the house and we just hung out till the fireworks started and we watched them.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

punta cana continuation 3

oh on sunday somebody threw up in the pool it was the nastiest thing everr!

monday june 22
this day it was thundering during breakfast. i got my picture taken with a monkey which was to die for cute. and then it rained for a while and we just went back to the room until it cleared up. it got really hot out later and me judy and my mom mostly stayed at the pool all day. later my mom went to the other side of the beach to the huts and got stuff. later around 3pm me, konnor, kaley, cam, and mark went back to our villa and we got some clothes and sneakers on and we went to the climbing wall. there were 2 kids in front of us all because they only had one person working it and only had one person go on the wall at a time... cam went first and he went on the blue rocks which was the easiest. then kaley went and she went on the red ones and they were meduim i guess. she made it to the top but it took her a while because she couldn't get up on the cliff. then konnor went and he went like in 20 seconds, no lie. the dominican working it told konnor that he went on the blue side for one step and so konnor told him he would do it again and he did just as fast. then i wenttt i did better than i thought haaha. i only did rock climbing once in may at school but that one was really hard. then we went back to the pool and hung out till dinnnner. we went to the Japenese resturaunt even though we didn't have reservations. they couldn't get us in but they got us in for the international for 9. i'm pretty sure we went to the international resuraunt this night. but if it was this night, the food was fantastic. it was funny because we sat next to mark, cam,kaley, and jani again! i mean this place is so bigg and we kept seeing them everywhere. later was the lobby bar and then me, kaley, and cam went and went on the computers.

same dealllll pretty much! kenny and judy went parasailing(sp?) at 11 am. we went out on a glass-bottom boat and went snorkeling. it was very interesting and we saw A LOT of fishhh. oh my God. a lot more than last year i think anyway. i was afraid to swim because they would swim right into you. we didn't get a camera but we still saw some pretty cool fish. we saw big ones, tropical ones, and camoflauge ones. then after that we came back and we were in the pool with mark and family. mike and marie were on a all- day snokeling trip at sting ray bay ( we did that last year) we were on our way to the marketplace that night (because we couldn't get reservations) marie poke me in the back and i thought it was dad but it was marie. haha that scared meee. marie looks like Rihanna. she's really cool and she likes me and she is 29 lol. so we ate dinner and then went to the lobby bar and we hung out with mike and marie again. then me,kaley, and cam went to the computers again. this night they had a michael jackson tribute show at showtime! they did a realllly good job and it was really enjoyable. ( the weird part is that michael jackson died two days later. it was the day we got back and it just seemed like a coincedence) this was mike and maries last nighttt. it was a good time =)

i'll do our last day tomorrow because it is 2:00 AM goodnightt!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

on FRIDAY**** we ate breakfast at the marketplace but kenny and judy went to the beach buffet. we met with one of the guys with turinter ( and he told us about excursions and other stuff. the later we went to the beachh well me judy and my mom did anyway. konnor was at the beachh too. this was the day he was mostly theree. i remember it was really hot this day and from the beach to the ocean to the beach to the pool i wenttt. later we had lunchh. i 'm 90% sure this is the day( if not it was saturday) we saw people at the beach with shopping bags... so my mom asked them where they got the stuff. they told us way past the flag pole you will see a person who calls himself johnny cash and he will walk you all the way to the shacks. at the shacks i bought a new scrapbook, a neckclase, and a present for kim... then i got my hair in cornrows (:. my hair gets soo annoying there so it's easier if i get it braided. later we went to the pool and we met Jani, Mark, Kaley, and Cam. this is the first day they came. they live somewhere in harrisburg and me and kaley became friends a few days later and we still talk uncle got drunk this day i think it was the funniest thinggg. that day i kept seeing that kid that i saw the night beforeee at the casino in the pool .we had to eat at the marketplace again that night because we didn't have reservations and i saw that kid again!!! they sat like right around us at dinnerr and then it was his birthdayy and they goo crazy while they sing to you and they bang potss. i said to myself that if i saw him tomorrow i would talk to him then but i didnt ever see him again and so he must of left and as long as i remember him i will be mad at myself for not talking to him...): later was the lobby bar againnn.

saturday was the same deall againnn. beach, lunch, pooool. we didn't have reservations but we walked into the American Grill and we got in it. and how extremely big this place is we sat by jani, mark, kaley, and cam. haha mark had the funniest outfit onnnn. they were like pajamas lol. later lobby bar. jani and family had a lobby beddd. and mark wanted to dance with jani and stuff but they just wouldnt get out of the bed. that was a good laugh... (: and i think we watched some of the show that day too.

on sunday it was pretty much the same deallll...
i remember we met Mike and Marie this day. there was a "Machoman contest" and it was funny because the workers picked out 4 men from the crowd and they had to swim across the pool, do lunges, dance like a chicken, wiggle your butt, and do push - ups . then they elimated one person and then the rest had to open a frozen t-shirt and they would be the winner. the funny part was mike was in the contest thing did it, and i sware he was going to winnn but he was so closee but he didnt win. and afterwards he said he never would do anything like that before... but he wanted to come out of his shell. and let me tell you later through the week everybody knew these people... he told me he should have just stuck the frozen t-shirt in the pool (that would really unfreeze it) so get this mike is 43 and marie is 29!! and mike does not look 43 at alll. they were there celebrating there one year anniversary. we went mexican this night (: i had nachoss and cheese for appetizerr. omg were they gooood. then for my meal a chicken fajita. now i don't like soft shells but i know people say they dont have much taste. so i put some nachos inside the shell with the chicken and onions and it was very yummy (:. i cant remember what else we did... oh no i do. so later we went to the lobby bar.. yes again but with mike and marie. then later we went to the disco. kids arent allowed to get in after 11pm. they wouldnt let me in and then everybody got mad at me because i wouldnt go in!!! and i was like DUDE I CANT GO IN. my dad was so annoyingggg omg hes so stupid when he's drunk. but then mike talked to the guy and said he said, "fine 30 minutes but if i see her getting a drink, she's out" so whatever we went in there for like 20 minutes and it was pretty stupid anyway? and my family didn't like the music they played. it's like dude this is the new music what were you freaking expexting?

okay i'll do the rest tomorrow i guess

Sunday, July 5, 2009

trying to rememberrr...

alright so i'm going to try and tell as much as i can remember from Punta Cana...
i took so long (more than 2 weeks D:) to do this so this is what i get. okay, i'll try and go as much as in order as possible, but not all of it will be.
even though this is the longest day ago, somehow i remember this day the most. i woke up at 12 am. i remember i could not sleep very well and then i remember i went on AIM on my cell phone. Kim was still on and i can remember me talking to her up to the time when we left around 2:30 or maybe before that. after Jim picked us up at our house and we packed our luggage we drove over to kennys to pick up kenny and judy. then we were off to jfk. i remember at some points i was trying to sleep and i put my earplugs and eyemask on but judy had coffee and so she kept talkinggg and i could hear here and i know i did not sleep at all. we got to JFK a little early but we still got going after we got our boarding passes, then we put our luggage on the carts, then we went through the medal detectors and i think we started to board around 7:15. it took a little while to take off though just because JFK is such a big airport. even so we got there quite on time. which was around 12. the movie on the way down was Last Chance Harvey so the plane ride was quite boring and didnt catch any sleeep at all even though everybody else in my family did. we got out of the plane and claimed our baggageee then we found the guy and he took us to Melia Caribe Tropical. this place was just so magnificent and big and the food was beyondd amazing. so the first day we checked in and by the time we even checked in everybody already had 2 drinks. then they took us to our rooms. me and konnor had 2 double beds a bathroom and couch, chair, tv, mini fridge, and outside deck thing. my parents and kenny had the same room but upstairs. the only difference was they had one big bed instead of 2. after we got to our rooms we just got in our baithing suits and then we went to the beach buffet and ate lunch. i remember it wasnt that good because the food was pretty much all gone at that point ( 3:30 i think it was) and they were cleaning up and getting ready for dinner. my mom me and judy went to the beach and konnor kenny and my dad went to the pool. later we met up at the beach, kenny and judy caught some ZzzZz's, then we went up to the pool. the pool was hugeeee, there were 2 pools because there is two resorts in one. there is the tropical side and the caribe side. we were on the caribe side and thanks to that because the tropical side is said to have a lot more little kids. after the pool we all got showers and we went out to eat at the marketplace which is the buffet also (not by the beach though.) after that we went to the lobby. everybody went into the casino/ sports bar. i couldnt get in because obviously its a freaking casino and you have to be 18 even though my brother got in because he acts like hes 18. so there was this other kid there and he was waiting for his mom to get out of the casino and he was so freaking cutee and i told my mom to go in the casino so i could talk to him but by the time my mom went in.... he lefftttt. he was so cute ):. then we had an easy night and we watched the daily 10 o' clock show. i forget what it wasss and then we went to bedd.

on friday (JUNE 19) we ate breakfast at the marketplace but kenny and judy went to the beach buffet. we met with one of the guys with turinter ( and he told us about excursions and other stuff. the later ... to be continued tomorrow