Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Eh sorryy

hey sorry i um didnt talk in like a few days
i just havent felt like it...
so i am officially on a diet
i um doubt ill lose any weight
but me ems and hailey are alll doing it
we have a food diary and we write everything that we eatt
okay well today we had a 2hour delay
again it didnt even snow it town
just up the freaking mountain
so we had to go right thru 3rd
we read all novels all day
im reading new moon now
[second book in twilight series]
we had gym
mr halenar
well yeah he can freaking kiss my ass
and im sure he is since hes such a perv
kk, well i dont want to get into the details
but today was not a good gym
we were in the computer lab for a web quest
eh nothing much
i didnt eat much at lunch!
we watched a movie but no one payed attention
we took a super hard vocab testtt

kk well i want to readd
and then do other stufff



wants to
uhmmm readd

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

today it was flurrying again
and should do the same tomorrow
but its not laying on the freaking ground!.
i hate art
i hate math
... like uhmm had a test
we read the raven and then finally we read our books :D
today was mr donahue's 30th birthday
and we decorated with blue and white streamers and blue balloons cuz there the colors of penn state and miss seiwell made a cake with the penn state lionn.
lol and in health i had clarinet then i came back and we watched a std and like sex video
and he went out of the room and little cames welcomed there selves in and while the video was on and they were only like in 3rd grade... we were like MR HALANAR MR HALANAR lol
and hes like oh no and turned the tv around and turned it off and our whole class was like in hysterics and the little kids were just looking at us like way weird. lol
we looked at some stuff on the over head
test tomorrow
at the end of lunch i believe 10-20 went to mr D and gave him a hug and he was like get off guys c'mon get off lol
hes my fav teacherr lol and it was mad funny me and hails were in the huddle
lol we did a lab in mr donahuees
we did vocabb blahh!

okay well thats all i have to say kk bye


uhm okay

wants to
get a shower
and [has to ] study

im outt

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


anthony is talking to mee!
he is talking to me and is all chill
but guess how the conversation started?
he asked for hailey oh haileys number
but now he is talking talking and is like
if i wasnt a guy i wouldnt have the courage to slap ur ass every now and then"
okay well lets go on
but before..

xkc shks itx (9:31:57 PM): lol
xkc shks itx (9:32:09 PM): ... and every other girls
DrtbksY2k (9:32:20 PM): no tbh ur the only girl that i did
xkc shks itx (9:32:30 PM): mhmm
DrtbksY2k (9:32:40 PM): iam honestly telling the truth

his screen name is actually his brothers but this is tony lol

working on project

nothing much test tomorrw

another poe story and it was snowing
very distracting lol

gym we playedd gym

uh work sheets ewww

nothingg much u knoww lunch

we did a condensation lab

we took a reallly hard test

flurries maybe


wants to

drink watterr

im outt

im doing yesterday first

okay since i didnt write one yesterday i wrote on my phone last night in my bed
so ill just re write what i wrote :D
"okay well im doing this on my phone since umi forgot to on my blog.
we started a new project
second- we um reviewed and stuff the we went to get our finger prints for lunch instead of a lunch number and it know who u r when u put ur thumb print in at lunch
we read another poe story
we are learning about sti's in health commonly known as std's lol yuckers
we did a freaking map omgg!
sixth- we moved to ther round tables again lol but sierra is sittin with us ):
me and hailey helped mr donahue clean out his cabnets under the board because hes gettting a smart board
eighth- we played a game and like no one payed attention or didnt get ne right bc miss z doesnt teach us!! all she makes us do is take notes!

omg well i got my syitches out after school but right after school i git off at haileys stp and went o her house for like 10 minutes cuz my mom went christmasshopping

she painted her room lime greeen its freaking fly!

so about the stitches it didnt hurt but just a little ... like the one right by my eye that one hurt m ore
okay im going to bed night bye bye!"

im outt

im doing yesterday first

Sunday, November 16, 2008

ITS TRUE:D gassp.

its way true
i am now a twilight freak :D
edward oh edward !
nah im just kidding
on the one thing
i am now reading twilight
i mean why not everyone else loves it
but no im not a edward freak
so sorry i havent talked to you in a while but hey
i dont have a life
well on friday night
me and kim went to the movies
and before i go on!
okay on a lighter note
on saturday i went to brianas and me and tori hung out all day :D
okay then today
i um read twilight all day
and uhmmm watched the eagles win in a way
it was actually tiedd :p
okay well im going to go eat and i think were having tacos or hamburgers
butidk! okay byeee



wants to
check out the snow

im outt

Thursday, November 13, 2008

well they still hurt lol

today we had a half day
we did yesterday too
but i dont know why i just didnt write yesterday :D
but lets move on shall weee :)
so i started a new book yesterday
i think i told u
its called talent
by zoey dean
its really good so far
okay lets go through my periods :)
we did stuff in our boook
wait not really lol everyone at my table
me emily kaitlynn and danyelle
well we pretty much talked all period
teachers a crack head :D
well idk but she looks like it lol
we had a test
and then we started a new lesson
but she didnt give us any homework yaay =]
we went to the computer lab again
and u wanna know why
because hes just way too lazy to teach us haha
4th period
i didnt do gym because of my stitches
=) but they played kick ball and kick ball is the best
that made me mad butt uh w/e i got to misss gym ! :D
5th period
today 5th was lunch since it was a half of day
well hailey left right away to patrol
today it rained
me and emily pretty much only at lunch
kim was nothere today
she had a feevaah
but idk then we went home
i sat with hailey on the busbc emily had to go to piano
tomorrow is another half day bc of parent teacher conferences
and stuff
im going to read now
my myspace is being realllly gay now
but byee!



wants to
read then go get a drinkk

im outt

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


okay well this is how my horrrible day went
well school was just swell lol
nah it really was okayy
still doing that gay project
lol i finally finished
then i helped emily on hers lol
we only had enought time to check hw
then we had veterens day essembly
essembly still
did stupid stuff in gym
took a gay test!
uhmmm today was pretty funnnnnny
bc we kept making fun of courtney lol
uhm finished the webquest
then did a worksheet w/hailey
we went to the book fair
and i got a book called... talented

by zoey dean :)

so after school
i went over ashleys
and her dog bit me in the faceee
and so my mom took me to the doctors
and i had to get stitches
they numbed it but like
it still hurts like a son of a beep..
i think i got 10
5 are like right by my eye
then 4 or 5 more
are right by my mouthhh.
okay im going to ggo
and watch lincoln heights still okayy
bye now


tired hurting sad

wants to
reada and sleep

im outt

Monday, November 10, 2008


hey sorrry i didnt taalk to u yesterday
first period
art project stilll
started a new lesson
went to the book fair
ew health
just more nasty stuff lol
we talked about ...egypt
lunch is lunchhh lol
we finished our web quest
we toook more freaking notes

okay well today was boring and i dont have ne thing to say
so bye


my stomach hurts ):

wants to
read lol

im outt

Saturday, November 8, 2008

like omg mom

uhm well
yesterdday school was fine im pretty sure i didnt write ne thing for yesterday
we went to ATT
and like i had to get a new phone because like my aim never worked
so i got a newsame phone
andmy mom was going to get the same phone as me
and like dude she got a really cool one
they got like 5 new full keyboard ones
hers is touch like freakingg touch!
andhas a full freaking keyboard so jelous lol
like uh!
and my brother wants it
and i dont want him to get it
then i m stuck with the old news phone!
likee omg uhmm i dont know
so intro
today like
i went to the mal with kim
bc she slept over last night
i got a new coaat from american eagle
freaking $120
i got a new belt finalllyyy
and a new bra
okayy well then i went to brriana house
we hang out w tori
and like we were going to play mmunhunt but josh is a freaking jack assss
okk. uhmm we madea burn book i dont think its such a goood ideaa !
now im home andd eating some ice cream and its like freaking frozen burnt ew
um i have to study for sunday school
then i mgoing to read
then to bed

not too cold

mad tiredd

wants to

im outt

Thursday, November 6, 2008

oh and ps my mom was pretty chill about getting a 77 :)
and OBAMA won the presidential election woooo
k bye

im outt

i dont know.

was a
boring day.
1st period
again still working on that project
2nd period
we just did some stuff in the boook.
3rd period
we went to the computer lab
4th period
we played soccer in gym
5th period
lmfao we reviewed for our test tomorrow
then like mr lee always teaches the 8th grders a "secret" cheer
and it goes "MESOOOO"[he says]
we say "MESOOOOOO" back and then he repeatsin once
and then he goes "MESOPOTAMIAA!" and we repeat it and so funnyyy
6th period
well uh idk sierra went over to sam and she was like"u stuff" lol
7th period
we only had like 5-20 min
then we had a assembly about internet safety
lol its like okay im not going to talk to anyone ik
im not that stupid
and im not going to give out my full name or where i live
like seriously its called... COMMON SENSE...
8th period
we had no 8th period
after the assembly we went right to our lockers and home

and i told hailey about the anthony thingg and she told dalton.. and idfk why
it pisses me offf
she jelous..
and then dalton was all like " did tony compliment ur body latey"
and made a big deal freakk.

not too cold


wants to

im outt

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

oh gosh

today was a bad and good day
so when it comes together its just pretty bad D:
if u want to know... stay tuned.
1st period
we kept doing our art project.
2nd period
i missed half of it cuz well i had freaking clarinet
and then i had a pop quiz when i got back
3rd period
we had to write a storry
4th period
ew we watched a freaking video on nasty stufff
5th period
we had a guest speaker and he was a lawer it was actually pretty interesting.
6th period
well josh wasnt here today
and i didnt tell you
sierra doesnt sit with us ne more
haha its ggreat. idk why she just didnt sit with us like yesterday. :)
7th period
it was pretty funny
we found out that mr donahue's middle name is owen
lol and we finished our labs and did notes
8th period
i think we had like 4 pages of notes like omg.

ha anthony smacked my ass and was like' you got a nice butt'
and i was like 'ik' :)

and omg we got our report cards
and well this is not good
if i dont talk to u in ever please call the police
i got a 77 in math like freaking omggg
and then i got a 88 in english
im going to dieee.
i wont be able to be on the computer in everrr. and i never ever ever get groundedd.!
wish me luck when i try to tell my mom.. ):



wants to
not show the report card to my mom

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

obama for 09!!!

hello thar XD
okay. im going to go through my periods againn.
real fast
my parents are voting at the moment i have to do my math homework and get a shower
before lincoln heights and greek comes on
oh wait.
greek is over. so just lincoln heigghtts.
1st period
uhm we started a project.
2nd period
we started an ew lesson.
3rd period
we read more edgar allen poe
i didnt really like him but i am starting to
4th period
we played like soccer in gym
not fun :)
5th period
we talked about the Phoenicians. cuteee.
6th period
emily was not here today at all.
it was pretty boring.
7th period
uhm me and hailey worked on our sugar lab :D.
8th period
we went over are worksheets
and christian said he would f*k sarah palin
mad nasty
shes freaking oollldd hahha.
and vanesss and christian are goingg back out as of yesterday
too bad for emily because yuh no she likess him.

yup so today is election day
and i want obama to win so bad
it wouldbe nice.
so im goingg to go now.
im outt

anthony was being nice to me todayy

Monday, November 3, 2008

well just another day in the books.

hey well
today was a up and down day
if u want to know what happened i think i will tell you
i will go through all my periods again just because its easier for none of you reading this to understand better
1st period
mrs brugan came in today
art is just totaally fantastic.
2nd period
hey!, well i acctually got our math lesson today yayy! woo
3rd period
well mr c. made us do this really horrible thingg today;; nothing.
he was all like " i didnt think it was this late"
4th period
uhm ew.
i will tell you one thing and when i tell you this please believe me
u dont want to hear ur perverted health teacher talk to you about penis and vagina all day omg
like yeah i can handle that and hey news flash, hun i think anyone in 8th grade shouldbe able to.
but its just ew since ew
haha yuckers.
5th period
uhm well it was actuall not that bad of a history class
and when i say that i will most probably never say that again
we had like 15 minutes to do nothing because yeah he was doing grades
then we had this whole discussion about the presidential election which is tomorrow, btw.
but then we got to talk at the end of class. that is just not like mr lee what so ever...
but anthony asked hailey out
uh. hailey i think said no...
i hope :)
6th period
i dont know
lunch is pretty much the same everyday
7th period
uh well we started on our burning sugar labs on the laptops
im working with hailey
8th period
we took way too many notes for my likeing. =P

im really tired im going to go to sleep soon bye



wants to
sleeepp well

im outt

Sunday, November 2, 2008


well today was an okay day
its really hot right now
because me and danielle were playing DDR
bc i moved the PS2 into my room =]
okaay, soo today i went to sunday school
then came homee
waited for danielle to come
then made banana bread
then finally danielle came
she told me about some hobo hickish old guys with really long beards
that tryed to break into people houses with a crow bar
omg freaking creepy
yup so me and danielle were playing ps2 like uhm madden and ddr
yeah but today was pretty weird
i got an extra hour of sleep last night
haha okay well im going to go..

it was actually warm tonight

scared lol

wants to
watch the eagles

Saturday, November 1, 2008

lifes a beeep!

im freaking bored
my mother is at a sleepover...
hahhhhh no one to hang out with
i dont know where my phone charger is
i think konnor took it
im sad and im not sure why...
today is november 1st
like in amonth it will be thanksgiving
last night was are last football game
): ): =[ =[
so i hear ne way
since we didnt get the playoffs or get the eastern connference (sp) to get theree
so i went over kims today
we really didnt do ne thing
i tryed to teach her football lol
she doesnt get it... but i tryed...
kkk well im freaking bored and im going to look for my phone chargerrr bye



wants to
do something

im outt