Wednesday, May 13, 2009

my day

Hello Blog
i will go through my dad:]

1st period-technology
today i did not have technology because ms. schafer wanted to have extra chorus practice. so all 7th and 8th grade chorus members went to her class for the period. so we practiced and thats about it.

2nd period- math
well, i said it yesterday and i will say it again. this math lesson is so hard and i dont know why we really didnt learn anything new. again, like i said yesterday, i get the first part but then when we graph it, i suckkk. i really dont know why because we graphed for the past month with this stuff and graphed simple stuff for years. but i got like every graph wrong on my homeowork. then we have a test tomorrow and oh that is not going to be a pretty grade. then i left a 9:45 to go to clarinet.

3rd period- reading
we went down to the computer lab again to do an assignment with the Messenger. It was so stupid. i sware our teachers come up with the most stupid things for us to do.

4th period- computers
we did another exel assignment. i think excel is pretty easy but i dont like to do it. the only class we do excel is in science when we do labs.

5th period- social studies
first we had to go down to the stage side of the gym because ... we got a free book! yayyyy. lol and then we went back to class and took a test and even though i mixed up a few, a got one hundred. i really dont know why i do so well in this class?

6th period- lunch
we were going to go to eat in donahues today because kim needs to practice for PJAS. she was breaking out again so she went to the doctors and we went to lunch like normal.

7th period- science
we had to do a webquest and it was pretty much boring, otherwise without kim.

8th period- english
well all we had to do was do all four vocab book pages. we had a substitue and shes a little weird... but what subs arent? so she was talking and when she turned her back on josh t. he gave her the finger. the stupid kid that he is... he didnt realize that mrs herman saw this. she called the office and omg mr mc. came storming up in the room and he was screaming so loud it was hard to tell like what he was saying. it was scary, man.

well tomorrow the block party starts. i am not going tomorrow but me kim and emily are going friday. then after that kim is sleeping over haileys because her mother has to fix kims dress. so i think i am going to emilys camper with her for the night. i hope so. i will have to ask my mom . but we wouldnt be able to stay up late because well i have penn state on sunday and i really dont want to be tired for penn state lol. i am going to go now because i am watching the yankeses and surprise surprise they are actually winning today. i have to look over my math and then i am going to read and text the hunnies.



wants to
yankees, read, text, bed

im outt

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hmm, five days.

so yes it is...
five days now
till penn state and i dont know what me and kim are going to do.
three straight days with mr donahue oohhh maa gawd.
so today... yes, today it was hmm. it was... you could say interesting.
okay so lets ggo over this lovely day

1st period- technology [wood shop]
i will not lie to you, nor will i lie to anybody else about this.
my bookshelf we had to make in technology i barely did any of it.
of course i feel kinda bad about it. but the thing is... the people who "helped" me seriously like wanted to do this. like tony. he did more on my bookshelf than i did. and kyle helped. also frankie and louis. so today i stained it. i did not finish but i got four pieces done. and i will honestly say this... i did 100% of the staining. so thats what i did in technology..

2nd period-math
well, well, well. math. oh, how much i dislike math. i dont know why it has to be so complicated and hard. it is also important and life. this whole chapter we are doing is like a preview of what algebra 1 will be like. its hard but i better get used to it because i will be doing this all next year. i am getting much better at it and understanding it much better but todays lesson was weird. i get the first part and then i have to graph it and i just like cant do it.

3rd period- reading
yay. an easy period. so first we had snack. then we went over the messenger test. i got a 95 by the way. then we read our books the rest of the period. i highly doubt that we will have much more to do in this class. mr condly is a laid back teacher.

4th period- computers
another easy period. i am pretty spoiled on two easy periods in a row. well what we did was something in excel and well thats pretty much it. we have a lot of free time in this class. then me and dylan walked down to the office to see if the yearbooks had showed up yet but nothing.

5th period- social studies
i would like to know how i really dont like this class and still manage to have a 102% in it... i dont know but today mr. lee just blabbed on for probably close to a half hour. then he tells us we're having a test tomorrow. that was nice of him huh? i mean we go through the whole year with having a test like every 3 weeks and then we have 2 tests in 2 weeks? huh. i just dont know. teachers should stick to the way they teach all through the year. just because we have say... i think 17 days of school left. [ add or subtract a day?] that doesnt mean he has to teach the way he teaches. i would very much love to keep my grade at 100 for the quarter and 99 for the year.

6th period- lunch
so yeah you know that kim and corey are going out. well i will just tell you now that on friday after the dance kim had an "afterparty" thing. well lets say corey pretty much ditched half the dance and then pretty much ditched out on the party early. so now kyle comes to table to table to tell us what he said and is saying and then we tell kim. and that was pretty much all lunch.

7th period- science
he first started the period with talking like usual, then he made us do a worksheet. then another worksheet. but then mr donahue made me do labels with a labeler and mann i am good at it. lol. i am really fast. he even excused me from the worksheet. hahah.

8th period- english
i was done with my essay. we were in the computer lab. so i just did more labels for mr donahue.

walking to the buses-
kim is going to break up with corey because all of the shit he had done. and the one thing that put her over the top. i dont blame her either. he changed and treated her like crap and then it made her feel bad because she was upset. i said that was it and something had to be changed because he doesnt deserve her. kim made him get off of the bus. i was on the bus and could kinda hear what was going on because the window was open. but i didnt really hear what was said but its over and im happy because it was just not working out for them...

okayyyy so this summer i think i will be babysitting maybe 3 days a week
on a tuesday ----> the Shigo's
and two other days -----> the marzens [britney and aiden]
so im hoping that works out

this Thursday - Sunday there is a block party at Sam Miller field. its going to be so fun. were going with a lot of my friends this friday and then me and kim are going again on saturday. then sunday penn state. then monday is when kim presents and im a technician at penn state. i dont know exactly but i have to tell the people presenting how much time they have left and mark it. then if they go over time and stuff like that...

im going to go dry my hair, watch the yankees, and do other things. i will hopefully talk to you tomorrow. bye.

partly sunny 61 degrees


wants to
read, tv, computer
[has to] study social studies :P!

im outt

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2009 envirothon

so today was the envirothon
and me hailey kim tai xi and becca got 4th place
and it was either out of 33 teams or 35 teams
either or both was good
today the weather sucked it was cold and muddy out and this morning it rained which totally messed up my hair
but it was fun and afterwards we went to Annies :]
it was funny because miss seiwell and mr donahue were afraid to like ask mrs mordaunt if we could go
so we said that we were going to tell her one team got fourth place and then if she was in a good mood , ask her if we could godonahue was like "we cant go to annies can we?"and she was like "as long as you bring me back a chocolate milkshake."
it was pretty funny because then the whole envirothon people walked over there and the student council paid for it and then we went and gave mordaunt her milkshake and she was like, "you actually went??"
lol but she was happy we got her a milkshakeand then the 8th grade had the first greeek olympics it was funny because we tried to play games like the greeks did sorta i guess
but we only watched since we got there pretty late
so on sunday nightmy bunny rabbit, buster died
i think he had a heart attack
so now it's weird in my rooom because its pretty quiet but he lived a long life so rip

now i am going to go watch the yankees probably loose once again (shocker)and scrapbook maybe then dry my hair so bye!

chance of rain


wants to

im outt~~K