Tuesday, March 17, 2009


so today was just super retarded
hence i just said super retarded
okay well i guesssss i should tell u about it!
so my homeroom aka 8th period
is so horrible and i was stuck with them all day
in the morning we took math PSSA's
they were horrible
we had lunch with donahue (us as in me kim hailey and emily) and donahue eats like pig
then we went back to homeroom for reading PSSA's
then we we were finally done avery day gave us cupcakes they were good
ha thenn me and hailey went down to donahues to find they werent there and mr alberts homeroom wasnt there either
so we were like searching the whole school for them
becauseee donahue invited us to come down at the end of the day and he just decides not to be there
and we looked outside but we didnt actually go out but we didnt see them
then we went to the gym werent there
we asked siewell but she had no clue
and then they came in we yelled at him because they went outside and didnt tell us and poor us we had to be in homeroom all day where its like 80 degreees in the freaking classroom
and whatever
we have pssa's on thurday again and then on next tuesday again
well i got a new phone today because my quickfire was recalled...
and its the LG VU its all touch .. pretty freakingg sweet
hah and today avery put a basketball in his sweatshirt and donahue goes " wow, looks like my wife every two years." lol i died when he said that
im going to take a walk soon...
probably with mom judy and the dogs :)


so niceeeeee

my nose is so stufffy and makes me mad

im outt