Monday, December 22, 2008

just because there is nothing better to do

I'm going to use periods and feel all smart in this post.
Just because I want to feel smart, because I can. So... I guess it still hasn't hit me about the whole Christmas thing. Tomorrow we get a half day and starts Christmas break.

okay that is just annoying im done with the whole smart thing.
so like i said yesterday,
we had a 2hour delay
and in 3rd period-
we taalked then i went to mrs rowans and took a test i missed last week

4th period
uh i missed like 10 minutes from the test
then we colored
nice one mr halanar

5th period
i took a test i missed last week cause of the band concert practice
then me and hailey talked for the rest of the period

6th period
wwe handed out candy canes at lunch
[me sierra hailey kim emily]

7th period
uh the class watched a movie
but me hailey and kim arent considered the class in donahues room
so me, i graded tests
actually the drills hahah it was fun
except then he told me he was going to give every one 100s because its christmas
fxxck shit
when the hell is donahue nice
and when does he care about christmas
or when doesnt he love to give bad grades
well u know what...
lol i was mad then

8th period
well i stayed at donahues to help him put crap back in the cabnets i guess
and me and kim, and hailey also stayed so
i didnt go to english
but all we did was watch a video

so... christmas eve looks pretty F'd up right about now
because both of my parents have to work
and that never happends
idk if we'll go to church
but its not right if we dont
and my mom might not go to church at all because she has to clean the house
and then were going over bob and toni's for christmas eve dinner

emily is having like a party this saturday
and the one time i have a chance to go to a party w/ friends
im pretty sure thats the day
my cousins from philly is coming up for christmas
and my other fam.

okay, well im going to go
bc im freaking bored and im going to read my gossip girl book
nothing better to do...


freaking cold like teeensss!
and windy


wants to
watch The Game Plan
and read

im outt