Monday, April 27, 2009

the day

todaay was just another day and ill go through it like i always do

1st period technology-
we watched him do some more things in the shopp
2nd period math-
we went over the homework from last week and started a new lesson and it was fairly easy
3rd period reading-
we read 3 chapters in the Messenger book
but i actually read 4 XD
4th period computers-
we did a project on excel
5th period social studies-
well there was no drill on the board and he was looking in the book for one and hailey said, "hey, mr. lee i think we should have a drill holiday today." and he said, "OK, Hailey whatever you say." and he didnt give us a drill and surprisingly we just didnt do anything for the rest of the class i dont know why its just so weirdd... and then hailey sat by me and mr. lee was like, " do you want to sit there for now on?" and she said yes and she didnt even have to ask wow.
7th period science-
donahue wasnt here today and so he made us do stupid worksheet that he probably will just reycle and not grade because he could care less.. lol
mr. meele was the sub and it was funny because out of no where mackenzie was just like, "HOWMUCHYABENCH?" in like 2 seconds lol we all thought it was pretty funny
8th period english-
we started to write a 5 paragraph essay and she let us write it on whatever we want
and i amm writing about baseball because well i love baseball :]

alrighty today was another hottttt day
im watching yankees vs. detroit
so im going byee

hottt man


wants to
watch baseball

im outt

Sunday, April 26, 2009

HOT HOT baby

hey today is sundayy
and its like 88 degrees outside mannnn
well today i woke up and went to sunday school
then came home washed the cars with konnor and dad
then we gave buddy and molly baths
thennn uhm
i cant really think ahah
i read outside on the porch for a little then judy and kenny came over to sit on the porch
and were all just talking about punta cana
we go june 18th, btw
and then toni came over
now im just chillaxing in my a/ced room :]
its so nice out and should be till aboutt.. tuesday and then it should go back down to the 60s hahah
well it is fun while it lasts

yesterday we went to Lori and Steve's house in like the philly-delware area
and omg there house is just unbelievably nice and the neighborhood is amazing its so beautiful
and that was prettty fun hahah so hot though

okay well im going to go bye



wants to

im outt

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Summer in April

im back againn haha
so yeah title: summer in april
why you ask?
because tomorrow high of 71
saturday high of 86
sunday high of 86
monday high of 83
tuesday high of 83

today was a pretty good day i guess i would say

1st period technology-
the sub made me go to the office to get the teachers stuff out of the mailbox
theres nothing in it so i go back and she makes me go back AGAIN to look AGAIN and that made me heated and it wasnt in the mailbox it was on the desk thing in the office because one of the secretaries put it there
then we had a stupid test on like some machine i dont even remember and then i watch anthony and kyle play contraptions on the computer haha

2nd period-math
had a math test - 88%
math grade- 82%

3rd period- reading
we went to the computer lab to do like teenbiz3000 but me emily and kim just like talked and pretended we were
we had a sub in here too the ne emily hateess lol

4th period-computers
boring excel stuff

5th period-social studies
we did a worksheet that took like 5 minutes then nothing
the principle mrs kunkle and sierra were on newswatch16 and we like watched it lol

6th period- lunch
big controversy over kim and corey about something i really dont want to discuss on here thanks

7th period- science
we did a lab

8th period- english
did a writing promt and then did nothing
ate french toast and sausage
i came home watched some of jaws 2 and then went to judys and kennys to work out with my mom judy and myself
then took a shower and now im watching the dodgers and astros game because the yankees have an off day today
tomorrow they play boston! and they both have the same record 9-6
and i think im going to kims to watch it :]
well im going to go study social studies, vocab, watch tv, then read and bed bye


tired out

wants to
sleep actually

im outt

Monday, April 20, 2009


sorry i havent talked but i really want to but baseball has now started and its hard to go on heree..
okay so way back when 19 days ago
on april 2nd
mr donahue played a mean late april fools joke on us
he told us he was leaving next year for a meteorology job
and he was like dead serious it was the meanest most cleaver joke like ever
by the time 7th period was ending he finally told us it was a joke and like that was so meannnn
i mean me hailey kim and emily were so upset with him like seriously...
on april 3rd kims mom wrote a note saying that me kim and christian couldnt go to penn state with him next month because she lost her trust in him
then we gave him another note that saidd... JUST KIDDING THEY CAN ACTUALLY GO.

it was funny but that was just so mean...
so then april 6th was opening day for the yankees :]
CC Sabathia made his yankees debut but didnt do so good against the Orioles
then april 10
me kim hailey and emily all went to an iron pigs game
and it was so awesome because we got SHELLEY AND ERIC DUNCANS autograph :]
and it was like supposed to rain that day like all night but the best part was it didnt rain like at all it was greattttttt :) it only drizzled for like 10 minutes
then after the game we all slept over emilys grandmothers house
which by the way is like the bomb :]
then april 11th i went to aunt margies for an easter egg hunt which was funnnn
then april 12th was easter and we went to kennys and judy made lunch
it was me mom dad konnor judy kenny jayne dennis and margie and kevin
april 13th i went to the mall with my mom and got shorts and other summer clothes
because like i needed them but the bad part was is that i forgot a lot there

april 14th was the end of easter vacation and back to school
but when we got to school
UHHH scaryy but donahue showed up with a freaking goatee ): it was horribleeeee lol it looked so bad and we couldnt like look at him in class lol

then april 16th was the yankees home opener and again cc pitched and did not win
april 17th me and kim went to bridgets surprise party
and she was so surprised she had a good time
we played volleyball and they had a fire
me and kim chilled with all of her st joes friends lol which are OKAYY..
i like lauren and sarah z.

then saturday i went over bob and tonis and they made like steak and it was so good and it was me konnor mom dad jayne dennis and kenny and judy there and of course bob and toni

sunday we had to go to sunday school and then we went to maple shades for bingo with the old people hah even though nobody showed up from sunday school with got me heated

well today donahue shaved the goatee :]
so corey and kim are going out and they seem beyond happy which is weird becausei never thought they would be more that friends
i really dont feel like telling you about school today because i just wrote all of that and ii should dry my hair and then greek is on because the yankees got rained out


eh ok

wants to
watch greek and read

im outt

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


april fools...

hey sorry i never talk i guess i just dont feel like it...
everyone went on a field trip for leadership thing so like nobody was there really
1st period-technology
did like a worksheet and talk
2nd period- math
went over homework and other stuff
3rd period- reading
we like talked for 20 minutes lol then read our books
4th period- computers
went over a chapter and then left early to go to band...
but i was late anyway because hailey told me the wrong time lol oh well
then on the way back i stopped at donahues
but he was very mad because someone stole his penn state sign and he wouldnt really admit it but he was pissed
thats not a very funny april fools joke
and they replaced it was a notre dame thinger
5th period- social studies
we watchedd a movie on ancient greek
6th period-lunch
went to donahues room and we did inventory bc he is moving to the highschool for all day next year because the 7th and 8th grade r moving to the high school and yup that was fun as always except it was only me and sierra and emilyyy anndd kyle

we went to his room on mon and tue too
7th period- science
did worksheets and both donahue like usual
8th period- english
we had to right a paragraph story and then we had to get in a group and then we had to pick the best one and then uh miss z. read it and our class votedd w/e it was so freaking stupid

so 9 days till my birthdayyyy
me hailey emily and kim and of course my mom are going to an iron pigs game omg yes lol
its only the second game of the year on the tenth :)
and this friday im going to get contactssss for my birthday yay

saturday i am going to the mall then going to church because for the like play practicee
my great uncle thomas is dieing of cancer and other things andd there is nothing else the doctors can doo... ):
well im going to gooooo
get a shower read tv and eat :]


content not comfortable

wants to
shower read tv and eat :] lol

im outt