Friday, October 31, 2008

yes kicked boobahs butt!

hahah we won jttttt=27 lehighton=20
like we weere leading by 20 and they came back all the way to tie it
and lehighton was not good this year
but im surprised they didnt somehow try to come back and win
but emily was there and i hung out with her
i actually walked around every couple of quarters ha it was fun i guess =)
ok well thats all i need to say for now i guess
oh tony broke up with vanessa...
im not so sure why...
then avery i think is going out with vanessa now
uh wtf lol hah

eh usual


wants to
watch FNF!

im outt

last game.... yes oor no?

okay go thru periods quick
cuz i haveto get ready for the game *
1st period
we did a a paper
and then played with clay
what are we 5 year olds lol??
2nd period
haha we did nothing
since today is uhm halloween and we go to dress up
kim was sarah palin
and me and hailey just dressed up in our pjs as babies
and had a bottle and pacifier
3rd period
like 2 people read our story and thats about it lol
4th period
we did a worksheet
ew health is getting really... nasty haha
5th period
omg! mr lee let us talk all period:D this will never ever ever happen again
(i just know) lol
6th period
we only had a 20 minute lunch
hailey wasnt there
she had to leave in 5th for NY
7th period
we ddidnt go to it because our school has a halloween parade and we like walk around the block
its soo gay lol
then we went to homeroom and had a party lol
8th period
lol i was sitting with Jay kaitlynn and brian
then kait went to the bathroom
and christian and josh came over
and brian was like ill show u how to fart
and he farted so loud
it was immature but it was freaking hilarious
so ms z made us go back to our seats
then kaitlynnn was "milking" my bottle
and then josh tryed and omg it went all otver the place
it happened at lunch tooo
hah that bottle freaking hated me

* okay well yeah we have a football game tonight and its aagst the freaking boobahs!
lol okay yup im going to go and get readyy bye!
sunny but still chilly
have Jt win
[they all said they will in the paper]
i hope they do because lehighton is like only won 2 games lol
okay bye!

im outt

Thursday, October 30, 2008

bon fire tonight

today was a:okay dayyy...
i got freaking art now
YYAAAY! noot...
i hate art
its like deathhh uhh
hahahhah okay well we watched a vid on like drawing,,,
pretty cute,pretty cute. ahah
we had a mad hard testt! i have horrible grades):.
we went to the computer lab
we had gym
we rapped mackenzie up as a mummy lol
then we played soccwe
mrlee is horrirblelee! he gaveus wrritten homework and no one else got it
because were bad or w/eee
idk another lunchhh.. haha
we burned sugar! hahah it was funny i gueess and smelled like shit
we wrote a story but i already did it so i did my ss homework
and anthony was talking to me and it was not fun.

tonight is the bonfire down the high school
we doo one every year before the lehighton game
like i k us a marian are big rivals but us and lehighton are pretty big tooo
cuz they are just big fat booobahs lol
we call them boobahs lol dont ask...

okay im going bye bye!



wants to
eat :)

im outt

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

is it really suppose to snow at late october?
nahhh! hahah but it did and it was flurrying today again and tonight
like a snow day in october? reallly...? thats just not right haha

well i handed candy out with kim tonight
ahha it was funny
but maddd cold =P
ok so like i didnt tell you
what i found out todayy!
avery z likes me hahahaa
me and him went out in like 3rd grade
idk i dont like him really..
i dont like anthony no more haha
jerk is what he is
and his friends :)
and hes like going out with vanessa
pretty fikken cute.. not haha

okay well im going to watch the world series
with the phillies and rays
3-3 top of the 7th inning game 5 phillies leading 3-1 games
if rays win they go back to florida and if the phillies win they win the whole thing );

ok byeee

cold windy flurry

eh okay

wants to
watch world series
get a drink.. =P

im outt

trick or treat?

well today we had a 2 hour delayyy
im going to go through my periods real fast because yeah
3rd- (wwe started in 3rd period)
we wrote a story or poem
we had a test
then i had clarinet
we took notes
then did a worksheet
6th- again anthony told hailey he was coming in school to lunch and once again he didnt come
7th-i got a 60/60 on my test
=] and we took more notes
i had to take a test
then we had some activities to do

well i want to go trickk or treating
yes today isnt halloweenn! for some reason our town always does it on a wed.
but yeahhh uhm i wanna go with emily but i doubt we will go......
i hope so
i didnt go last year so i want to gothis year
! kay well emily just texted me and said were probably not going
):im going to cry cuz i really wanted to go.... jjkk



wants to
go trick or treating

im outt

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tests tomorrow

  • intro
i have like 5 tests tomorrow i just thought of
well today i was suppose to have my math and english tesst
but that will be tomorrow
and tomorrow i have health and social studies
and well i dont know the social studies at all
and knowing that BFM [big fat man] mr lee he will make us have the test
and omg that thats going to be hardd!!!
): today is turing out to not be soo good ne more haha.

  • weather: rainy
  • mood: fine
  • wants to: make banana bread :)

once again....

im outt



dude omg
im so POed
like my computer didnt work like a month ago
and my hardrive might be shot
and omg if all my stuff disappears im going to cry
that has stories that maybe i would want to like freaking publish one day or something!!!
and pictures! omg all my picturessssss
and dude im so glad i just happened to write down my poems or omg i would be worse
well im boreedd ill probably post something later just cuz im really bored haha



wants to
make banana bread

im outt [for now]

PS. this is my picture right now on my blog

i love it so much so im going to putit here :o


i am really bored

its like snowing now but not really cuz its not even laying on the groundddd

but im on my old gateway computer in the cellar and well

i found a picture from new york last year and its just really freaking cool lookingg


im outt

woo no school

hahhahh well today is like what.. uhm october 28th
and we already have a snow day ")
i got up this morning
i went to the bus stop
like a normal regular day about to go to school and well uhm
i see a red car drive up and my bus driver drive up
she is like we have no school there is like 4 inches out the mountain
its not even on the tv yet so yeah go home bc theres no school

and stuff
so ashley came over annd were in the basement and just watching
stufffff im so tired ahaha
its like not even snowing here its just kinda like sleeting
buti think this is the earliest i have ever had a snow day :)
i think even tomorrow we will have off because its suppose to do the samet hign tomorrow

k im going


tired but happy

wants to
take a nap

im outt

Monday, October 27, 2008


i have been crying and crying for weeks
how'd i survive when i could barely speak?
barely eat?
on my knees

and thats the moment you came to me
i dontt know what your love has done to me
i think im invincable i see
through the me i used to be

you changed my whole life

dont know what your doing to me with your love

im feeeling all superhuman ... u did that to me
a superhuman heart beats in me
nothing can stop me here with you

haha i was bored :)
this song somehow strangely reminds me of my own life
even though i dont know what superhuman means D: haha


im outt


welllllssss iim freeezing right now
i just got back from konnors JV game at marian
we lost
but i dont really care how the JV does
so im going to go through my periods againn
1st period
uhm we really just took some notes on vitamins oohhh yay
2nd period
haha i got a like 10/25 lmfao
failed that shitttt haha im doing horrible in math this yearr
3rd period
we went to the computer lab and did studyy island ... cute
4th period
uh health we played a review gamee
5th period
mr lee blabbed on and on and on all day.. lol
6th period
josh miccicke was sitting with us
sierra is still sitting with us
... andd i dont know why :)
7th period
well we only had like 10 min of class because we had red ribbon week assembly =P **
8th period: we had to write a storyy

** kk welll in 7th dalton sits in front of mee
and he turned around and said hey how is ur luck with asking tony out
and omg he looked at hailey like its just oh so funny and thats how i k hailey told him something
i mean uhhh!!!!

weather:rainy and cold


wants to
[has to] study

im outt

Sunday, October 26, 2008

so tired

im like dead
kennys party moved to my house and they were so louddd
so im like really really tired

but hey the eagles won today
i really didnt do ne thing today
i need to like study for vocabbb!
blehi ahteeee life
hah okay well thats all i have to say for today
world series on tonight
darn phillies hahaaaaa.!
ok well im going now bye



wants to
[has to] study
and watch world series

im outt

go eagglleess :)

heyy thar
sorry i havent talked since friday
but yesterday i went over kims house all day
then we went to uncle kennys halloween party
then kim slept overr so
i just gotback from my halloween party at sunday school
it was gay i guess ahaaa
so yeah!
today eagles are on at 1
kk well im watching halloween town haa and then im going to make my bed
and make some freaking banana bread
talk l8er bye!

eh. fallish


wants to
drink something

im outt

Friday, October 24, 2008

hahah we kicked some marian freaking colt ass
32-7 bay beee :) haha just stopping by to say soo hahaha
so thats all i have to say
it actually wasnt that cold tonight =]



wants to
eat againn aha

yeah so i didnt get in trouble today about the sierra thing
honestly, i think i would have but mr lee is like old so he probably forgot about it
but she was all not really talking
then she was trying to talk like nothing happened --faggg
then emily yelled at her in 2nd period
and in 3rd she went to the bathroom look like she wanted to cry and she probably did
and i could care leesss :)
so thats all i have to say really
so now

marian: big rivals

heyyy (; todayy fridayy ahha

lets go thru perioddss again ahha
1st period
they ate casseroles or w/e i didnt
they nastyyy haha

2nd period
uhh we went to the computer lab
and did studdddy island

3rd period
we did more presentations ahah

4th period
we watched a video

5th period
we took a test today

6th period
haha lunch is always funny
then after lunch Mr. Mc had an assembly for the 8th grade and haha
the assembly was about not to call people gay
haha bc everyone calls everyone gay
but of course we all know what gay means
but no one really says "hey your gay" and actually means it
gay means like hey your stupid and no one likes you

but then i got called over the freaking loudspeaker and it said kassey please report to the office
hahai left t 1 30 to go to the doctors
for my 3rd shot
hahahah not freaking funnn

kk well football game tonight vs fxcking mariannnn boooo
lol its going to be a good game tho
so im going maybe ill talk later after


tired and cold

wants to
eat dinner soon

im outt

Thursday, October 23, 2008

sierras a bitch

well ill get to the sierras a bitch part.. laterr
so lets go thru my periods again :)

okkayyy ! firstt period
-- we put onions and other things and cooked them
tomorrow we r having our casseroles
ewww hahaha

2nd period
-- so we had a test and im doing bad in math =P!!
and then we did a thing with color gold fish snacks on probability
:) then we got to eat them hahaaa

3rd period
-- uh we listened to more presentations and then thats about it haha

4th period
-- oh we played basketball in gym
omfg mr halenar was being gay again
omggggg i wish he wasnt our teacher
the perve!

5th period:
we had a spelling test*
and that star will have something BIG to do with me at the end of this post
so wehad a spelling test... haha mr leees first spelling test
like seriously he teaches history?.... and he has a freaking spelling test
whats his problemm? and he spells like shit ... he sucks at spelling
we are always correcting him
and hes like "spelling counts in life" and its like why dont u learn it...?!!!
and i pretty much aced that shitty test ne way
so F him :)

6th period:
--idk really our lunch everyday is really funny cuz we always make fun of like sierra when shes like sitting right there and we always whisper stuff
i dont know why she doesnt get it... we dont like her!!
and me emily and sierra are getting closer so they are telling me more stuff
which is good
kim doesnt sit with us at lunch since she siits at the round table now

7th period
-- okkk well science
we had to finish a lab w/kim & hailey

8th period
-- we talked again
test tomorrow
wont be here
will be at doctors :(
and hailey told me this!....

**okay this is why, my dear why sierra is a big fat effing bitch
okayyy well k
hailey sits on the other side of me in homeroom
and she was like ' dude i have something to tel u and it involves me u and sierra'
so i was like okay and she came over to my seat and she told me that dylan said to her that sierra said in SS that i gave her the answers to the spelling test(meaning what ones were going to be on the test) which u know what? that is not true... and emily said that mr lee said that who ever told u the answers is going tog et punished
and like wtf
i called her on the bus and she didnt pick up
then she called back and for some reason it must of went right to my voice mail and it said something like " hey kasey call me back if you want"
so i texted her 'hey i was just wondering if u said something to mr lee' and she was like yes and no but it doesnt matter bc he didnt hear me

and emily said " are u serrious? he deff heard and said people who told will get punished" or somethingg...
so idfc what her problem is but emily and hailey both said that would back me up if i got in trouble bc 1. sierra has NO proof and 2. if she said at lunch then dylan hailey and emily were all there ! so beat that sierra i got friends and guess what u dont!!
and u no what she even admitted it like a week ago to josh thompson that she has no friends :)
soo hahahahahhah
thats my fxcking venting for today :O
thanks for listening but i have some health homework to do ):

weather chillly

mood ashamed

wants to ( has to ) ... health homeworrk and study freakin SS ew

ps. i got my black uggs today ... woooot!

pps. JT is playing Marian tomorrow oOOoooOOooO lol big rivals
i mean we dont have a chance to get into the playoffs this year but u no what
marian does
so we better kick their assess!!
lol ok well
im outt

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

another day; another dollar

haha no not really i barely make ANY money at all
lol well used to babysit and then id even no what happened
but whatever!
well uhm i guess ill go thru my periodss !
1st period-
well uhm we had a substitue so like we talked and i read prettyy much all period

2nd period-
math claasss
well we went over homework and we have a gay test tomorrow
thats prettyyyy cute (sarcastttiicc) lol

read some edgar allen poe poems and then people said aloud their presentations
for the rest of the class

4th period: uh health
so like i had freaking band w/hailey
so i missed half of healthhh which is suppaa fly
then i came back and did a worksheet haha

5th period - history
we had a guest speaker come in today :)
so that was better then doing reall history =]

6th period- lunch
uhm well another day at lunch nothing really happened

7th period-science
uhm we learned about "matter"
which was prettty gay hah

8th english
ohh umm i cant really remembrrr
oh we had to do like 4 pages in out freaking vocab book! blehhh ahhaa

so anthony like came over to me and was talking to me kinda like nothing happened
but ik he knows because i can just tell
then hailey gave him her cell phone number what the FREAK?
uhm so like does she like him or something
like i thought she liked anthony e.
she said she deleted his phone number
and said she doesnt need him
and now shes moving onto the other anthony and what cuz i like him now?
fxcks wrong w/hher?
cuz ik she knows too because of course i k emily told her
and she always talks about him in front of me like im interested
which im really not bc i could care less, really
and anthony called her during after school band pracctic like WTF
what is going on
lik ei know he likes hailey and most probably not me
and i could care less
but why would hailey give him her number in the firrst place...?
and so that should now conclude my venting for today :)

yah and me &hails were waitng for the freaking activity bus to show up
and like i said we dont talk to sierra ne more
she went to math lab
and so she was there with her brother
and logan said to me and hailey " my sister doesnt like your hair hailey" right in front of sierra
it was so funny and sierra was like " what? no ididnt!" like all guilty
and me and hailey knew that its most prob true 99.9% true

for some reason my left arm is getting tired and it aching lol

oh so did i tell u?... im getting uggsss?
well i am
i wanted to get the brown chocolate ones in the first place
then emily said she wanted to probably get them too so i said i was probably getting the black ones
but w/e enough of her and her freaking copying mind
im getting the black short ones and they are 130$
i kinda wanted the tall ones but again i dont like to copy people
bc emily has the tall ones
and kim has like the freaking slippers lol

yeah so like thats all i have to say for now....
uhm so yeah
lets get to the rest of the stats

weather: coldddd

mood: tired !

wants to: talk to someone on aim

im outt

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

oh yeah and i got a new phone last week
and its saweeeet
its the pantech matrix :)
im out

today was a ...: bad day
well today really wasnt that bad until about 5th period
okay well u no how i "kinda" like anthony and how its not a big deal or ne thing
well i was in the hall way and i was waiting to get into mr lees class
and dalton (hatteee him!) said something like" hey do u want to go out with tony" and im like "uh noo what are u talking about who said something like that?" ... he said "im not telling"
so like i was like wtf because the only 2 people who knew about it or i TOLD ne way are ashley and emily
i told ashley bc we were walking home and i had to tell her who i liked and then she would tell me who i liked
(mikey C.) lol
ne way and i had to tell emily because i sent her a text that said something like" this is a free pass and u can ask me anything and i have to reply 100% truthful" so she asked me who i liked and u get it
but i think she told hailey bc well they are best friends and all
and hailey told dalton
and of freaking course he told tony cuz there like such good friends
why would hailey or emily do that to me?!

but idk im going to text emily if she told hailey ! omg this is going to start shit bc daton told tony and he is not going to talk to me and shit and omg i dont even wanna go out with him i just like him a little and this is my freaking blog why would i lie to this... no one freaking reads this anyway :)
but im pissssed about and omg im never ever going to tell emily something like that again..
i dont see how dalton would know otherwise bc i didnt tell ne one else
nnot even kim
but !!! anthony is just weird around me now i cant even talk to him or look at him bc i know he knows
and thats ... just not good!

but any who tonight it might flurry its only october like 21st i think but i highly doubt we are going to get ne thing
but dude its going to start getting WICKED cold lmfao
and i dont want it to get too cold yet but it would be nice if it snowed
dude i almost had this blog for a year i got it like a week before christmas and in only a2 month it will be christmas all over again
omg i hate life
i wish it would goooooooooo slow!
but i cant doo ne thing about that

weather: coooold and windy

mood: pissedd! OFF

wants to: eat

im out

ps. im getting uggs!

Friday, October 10, 2008

ren faire: one day

today was an okay day in school
but we lost the football game to pocono mt. west
): ): ):
not funn
k well tomorrow im going to ren faire with kim and dylan
kim didnt go to the game tonight
that pissed me offf! w/e
kkk im going bye!

weather: not too cold

mood: mad

wants to: eh read and sleep


okay so yes im back here on this lovely snow snow on 10/28/08 annd since i didnt post anything at the day of the ren faire ill post it here!

Kay, so thats me cameron[ who is an acrobat with rock hard abs (i can tell) who is with barely balanced (you can see the sign in the backround) and kim is there too :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

today iss thursday which means tomorrow is friday :)
fooootballlllllllll woo

well today was a pretty funny day
lets go thru the dayyy
1st period: FCS
we made cookies
2nd period: math
we did a math lesson and we have a test tomorrowww
and me and kim and dylan be talking about ren faire which is on sat!
3rd period: reading
uhm we read all day
but i didnt bring it so i practically didd nothing :) wooot
4th period: uh gym
but we didnt actually have it much i guess we had this fire prevention thinngg
5th period: history
uh we missed half of ittt so we did like gay mapsss
6th period: lunchh
uh we had a good lunch i gueesss
we were talking about how hailey is supposealy going to hazelton tomorrow to see anthony uhh w/e dude
but its actually not true so thats the funny part because michael believes us ha she is really going to new york and shes skippin schoool
7th period: science
we did this like lab with water and finding the volume of an irregular object i got wet ahah preetty funny
8th period: english
wow i had to write for mackenzie today because he broke his thumb and him and christian wrote just hilarious actually gat storiess omggg pee time ahahaahahah :P
well lets get to the rest of thes statss

weather: colldd

mood: happy because*

wants to: peee because**

* im most deff getting the pantech duo phoneee! :))

**i have to pee? ha lol

im out

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

another day

uh today: another boring day
we had to go to the high school for "relay for play" thinger and we walked around the track for like 2 hours
but we missed like 3 periods:)
and we walked to the high school too
tomorrow i am getting my freakingg hair cut
i love the color but i get teeased about it ;; ginger
effffing gayyy
but its so freaking thick
and i want my side bangs back!
uhhhhh i miss themm
haha hopefully tomorrow i get them back
but my hair is short and its not growing
pissing me offfff
uh ahah

  • weather: w/e
  • mood: ouchey
  • wants to: eattttt like freaking always!!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

well today was just another dayyy

  • intro

welll i went to another boring school
day nothing much
kim wasnt here today
but we had a good lunch
so i'd say it was a good day
but uh yeah it was a good lunch bc we were talkin bout sierra a lot and every thing she did to us :P
then i went to our first chorus practice
we are doinng a song from the grinch stole christmas
then we didnt get home till 5 then me and mom ate
and then we went to my bros JV football gamee
they are 6-0
but the varsity is 4-2

ookk well im going to go since i have nothing much to talk about
lets get to the rest of the stats

  • weather: cooolld
  • mooodd: coldd
  • wants to: get a hot showerr

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hey :)
this is going to be a quick post since its only 12:06 pm
but anywayyy ahhaa

i went to sunday school and came back and thats pretty much all i did today so far
the eagles game is on at 1 and idk if any playooff baseball games are on
but ill probably watch them if there is
and im starting to like this new show "degrassi" idk its pretty good and its on all day
its like a marathon
but yeah right now im making my self some pizza cuz its like lunch time hahah
ok well lets get to the rest of the stats

Weather: yeeh just a regular fall day i guess

Mood: mad but pretty much okay

wants to: eat this freaking pizza ahaa

im outt

Saturday, October 4, 2008

well i just got back from kims its 7:13 pm
haha i told u i was goingg to go to her house

but omg she got the neew ipod nano and i want to get it for christmas but idk if i somehow have to get phones then that iss going to be a lot of money because iw ant to get a slider with full keyboard cuz we all no how gay the freaking razrs areee eww
so at kims she dressed up as weeezy ahahha so freaking funny (lil wayne) and we took a bunch of pics and took of video of her doing a song of got money ahah i freaking peed lol not really
well i think im going to go eat some tacos

weather: dark
moood: fine
wants to: eatt

just woke up

heya im sorry i never got to talk to u last night omg i was soo tired when i came home
but hey we wonnn :)

  • Intro

last night i went up to minersville and we won 35-25 but let me tell u our freaking defense suckkss
like we could of seriously like blew that whole game but we stayed in it
so like yeah i just woke up like almost an hour ago so there isnt much to say right now
but i might hang out with kim today maybe or somethinggg haha idk:D
ill ttyl tonight because im hungry and im want to eat somethingggg

lets get to the rest of the stats

  • weather: uhh im not sure haa

  • mood: tired

  • wants to: bee chill wiit my best frann <3

Friday, October 3, 2008

schhoool day

Heyyy :)

today was a good day i would say, haha

i always say that either a good day or bad day hah of coursee

but uh let me tell u about my pretty much okay day in school XD


well first period is FCS ( family consumer science) and most days its gay u no because let me tell u the teacher is a wack job! haha like seriously but anyway me and emily dont talk to sierra so that was a little funny but then i went to second period which is math and kim whispered to me

"Uh bobby and ---"

and then at the point i knew that she was going out with bob like omg i dont know why she goes out with him if she says she doesnt like him that much but idk so then like theres

3rd period: reading we have snack and our teacher is really laid back so he lets us get out of our seat and stuff for a long time then we watched a video on edgar allen poe. not much of a big deal i guess haha then

4th period: health or gym today was health and well pretty normal i guess because everyone and i mean everyone hates that teacher haha hes like a freaking petifile (sp?)

5th period: social studies ... we had to do a presentation of our projects haha my group was hailey and em.j then the rest of the class we had to do MAPS they are so gay i swear he is so strict with themm but w/e hate that teacher tooo.

6th period: LUNCHH welll it was okay i wanted to sit with kim today but like i didnt see any room but w.e so like this is when the day kinda went dowwwn hill well supposavly (SPPP!?) anthony called emily and said he was going to show up at lunch today like seriously first of all what kinda crap is that then she wasnt suppose to tell hailey but since they are just "such good friends" emily told hailey and then hailey was all happy because she is just so in love with anthony then well it never happened --- he never showed up --- haha that is such a bummer! NOTT haha but like seriously he lives out in like hazelton or something or palmerton now and like he is really goiing to come here and come to lunch and surprise hailey like yeah right and so then hailey was mad and emily was sorry but hailey didnt care because it was his fault for not showing up but like w//eee like i give a care because they didnt even tell me he was coming i had to find out from dylan he heard from sierra who heard from overlistening to emily telling benny.

but u remember anthony right member he used to like me and well hes a man whore but anyway he moved away from here and hailey still likes him but im almost positive he doesnt care because ya no what? hess a playerr!!! hahhah but who cares lets move awnn!

in hallway: me && hailey weree walking back from lunch and u no anthony m. right the one that i like kinda sorta idk? well he hit me in the ass and growled lmfao like wtf? ahhaa so maybe he likes me ? idkkk..! haha but anywayyy

7th period: science ... me hailey and kim worked on a project together on the computerrr this would probably me my fav class because ilikkkeeee science ahah but this was a very easy class period!

8th period: english... well all we needed to do was a word findd thing of our vocab words then we could talk the rest of the period this is like the worst class ever tho because the teacher is new this year and well we can get away with pretty much anything because she just cant handle us lol and yeah so thats it that was my day

then i went homee and i checked the sport sec. of the paper and well they all said JT would win tonight at the football gameee hopefully they are right! haha so i need to get some warm clothes on eat and hit the freaking roadd bye!

  • Weather chilly

  • mood excited && hopeful

  • wants to wants JT to wiinn tonight :)

maybe i will talk to u later after the FnF game hah

im oouut!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Date: 0ctober 2nd,2008

sometimes i freaking hate life
and other times i cant get enough of this frucking rideee
buttt anyway this isnt about now itsbout NOW.!

idk... what to really say but to start.... my best friends hailey and emily have become best friends over the summmer and well its pretty gay because last year we were all pretty chill . then over the summer they became like best best friends and well like what because why? well im not sure pretty much because of like well hailey never gets out of the house and i mean really her dad really never lets her out but emily is kinda like that too but of course she gets out more than hailey i mean really anyone gets out of the house more than here haha.!
but then now they do everthing togetheerr --- but again hailey cant ever get out so in school ... i used to sit with hails now emily does on the bus i dont no
im guessing u get the picture but then we got like theese round tables at school and 2 homerooms were allowed to sit there and kim is mad at me because we sat there... well me and dylan but then agian my other friend sierra
well shes really not a good friend any more considering the fact -- she lies, she makes things up, and she is always doing other thinngss to make DRAMA
but everyday we try and like yell at her she leaves early or pretends to be sick and she is such a freaking CRY BABAYYYY!
tomorrow football game agst minersvill baby! love football =) like seriously some guy is going to have to love me i love sports lol i love football and baseball duddee ahah well im going to go now
talk to u maybe tomorrow FIZZBITCH! aahah.. powerthirst

but i will talk to hopefully maybe tomorrow since i miss you! and since school started i will be really boredd lol but before i go.
PS 1. everyone calls u the first letter of ur first name and 3 or 4 first letter of ur first name
so im kherm ;)
PPS i might like someone i really dont even know yet lol but maybe its just a little crush but this kid he smells so gooooodd his name is anthony but idkk.... haha me and hailey smell him like everytime we see himm omggg :) just thinking about it aahahaha smells so good hah

WEATHER: dark and cold

MOOD: mostly tired

WANTS TO: [has to] get a shower haha

kk byeee (: